Live From the Heart

When my heart is open, I feel good. Joy natural flows through me and out into the world. I see the beauty all around me. The open-heart loves fearlessly.

When I am stuck in my thoughts, I sometimes feel like I am a hamster stuck on an exercise wheel. Thinking, thinking, thinking. It is easy to get trapped in the mind. The mind is always trying to figure things out. There is no figuring it out. Life is. Change happens.

Too much thinking can lead to anxiety, fear, worry and dissatisfaction. When you get in that state of mind the best thing you can do is shift out of your head and reconnect with your heart. I like to begin with the Heart Salutation as a way of reconnecting to my heart.

The Heart Salutation
Extend your arms towards the earth, palms together. Inhale, as you bring them to your heart while keeping your palms together. Exhale, as you bow forward and acknowledge the Divine in with the Sanskrit salutation Namaste. “Namaste” means, “I see the Divine in you as a reflection of the Divine within me.” In this example you are acknowledging the world as a mirror for seeing the Divine within yourself. Inhale, as you straighten back up. Finally, exhale as you allow your hands to return to the starting position, pointed towards the earth.

Bring your awareness into your heart center and breathe into it for a few minutes. Notice if your heart is open, closed or somewhere in between. Allow it to gradually begin to relax and open as you breathe into the center of your chest. Close your eyes and think of someone or something you love deeply and allow love fill your being. When you are ready open your eyes. Look around you and notice how you feel and what you experience around you.

(C) Copyright 2009, Crystal Dawn Morris, all rights reserved.

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Crystal Dawn Morris is a Certified SkyDancing Tantra Teacher and the founder of Tantra for Awakening. She is committed creating a more conscious and compassionate world. She lives in Sedona, AZ where she teaches Tantra workshops, offers private coaching sessions, practices yoga, and writes. She loves to travel and is open to teaching and coaching in your community.

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