by Crystal Dawn Morris, Inspired by Napoleon Hill
Today’s Tantra Tip is that taking a self- inventory can help you focus in on how be fully aligned with your life-purpose or to discover what is preventing you from doing so.
Answer these questions:
1. Are you clear on your life-purpose or calling, if so, how much of your time and energy are you devoting to manifesting that purpose?
2. How committed are you to its attainment? Are you working on your plans consistently, through organized effort, or haphazardly, when the urge strikes you?
3. Do you let fear of failure or fear of success stop you? How?
4. What steps have you taken to associate yourself with others, for the attainment of your purpose? Do you share your vision with them? Do you ask them for feedback?
5. How much time and energy do you devote to manifesting your purpose or calling? How much to focusing on possible obstacles you may have to overcome to attain it?
6. Do you recognize that your present life circumstances are the result of the choices you have made and that every moment is an opportunity to create the life you desire?
7. Do you understand that your thoughts create your reality? Are you aware that you can change your thoughts, whether positive or negative, at any moment?
8. Do you know that inspiration comes from within? Are you willing to keep yourself inspired? How do you stay inspired?
9. Do you accept defeats as part of the learning process and welcome them as an opportunity to grow? Do look for others to blame, so you can avoid responsibility for setbacks and failures?
10. Are you open to receiving the support of the Universe and the help of others in living your purpose fully? Do you recognize that you are one with the Infinite Field of Consciousness?
Copyright 2011 Crystal Dawn Morris